Week 10

I was glad to have the break of one week with no webinar.  But I did feel lost, like something was missing.  I watched Mark’s video regarding the important aspect of the whole MKMMA is feeling with enthusiasum and the visualization and not to do the exercises of reading and affirmations just to do them.  Sometimes I feel like I am doing just that and I feel overwhelmed with all the moving parts of the process.

I finally got on to Twitter and followed a few folks, but I did not have a comment, just a follow.  So that is something I need to do is take the time to tweet.  Now I at least have a few followers, so that made me feel good.  I can just do one thing at a time.

I have gotten onto people’s blog sites and read them, most are so good and very interesting.  It seems like you guys have it under control and I don’t feel like I do.

I feel overwhelmed because of time to do it all, I just don’t know how people get it all done.

I work as a receptionist in a Mercedes Benz dealership, so its hard to do reading or affirmations with constant interruptions of people coming and going and a 17 line phone system.  Working 9-6:00PM and a 50 minute commute, then to walk the dog and make dinner, I don’t sit down until around 8:00 PM.  Then I start my work and try to get to bed by 10:00PM, but I need an hour for my time before retiring.  Then up again at 5:45AM.

I also need to find my Mastermind alliance mentoring partner.  I did have one from my Network Marketing team, but she is very busy this time of year, she makes beautiful cookies and since its the holidays, she is crazy busy.  So that is not working out.

I am going to post a comment in Alliance area and seek some support.

Thanks all for listening.

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5 Responses to Week 10

  1. I want to encourage you to stay comitted to YOUR journey. I can relate to the feeling of looking at other people and thinking they all have it so together. I’ve come to understand that most appearances can be decieving. Think how far you have come already since starting this MKMMA. Your willingness to be completely honest about where you are at in your journey puts you miles ahead of most people on the planet. Godspeed as you continue to move towards your bliss!


  2. masterkeyinterface says:

    I agree with the above comment above. You actually probably don’t realize but you have posted above something real and true and it is your experience and that is a blog! We are all at different places on this journey. Just enjoy it. It seemed to me that this last session pulled things together more so that was good. I too felt like how in the heck does this all fit together. I had had glimmers of it, but I see the plan now, much more clearly.
    Blessings to you. Have an awesome week!
    Laura #Laura_masterkey


  3. Kathy-, appreciate your honesty! For myself, if I have early meeting and/or a commute I set up my phone before leaving the house to listen to something while I am commuting as long as it does not interfere. I have also recorded each Scroll we have read so far. Have a conversation with your guide about ways to help and you will be surprised weeks from now how you do some of the things without thinking about it. Be patient with yourself! Embrace your journey, Carol


    • kathysasso211 says:

      Thanks for the encouragement Carol. Its just a little difficult, I feel like I am falling behind versus concentrating on the vibration and visualization of DMP etc.


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